Saturday, December 27, 2008


Supposedly we are on vacation but I am pretty sure this was not the way we planned it to happen. Here is the sequence of events:

1) We left Wisconsin in a snowstorm (pretty stupid in itself) to travel to Chicago. After 7 hours of travel we arrived at my mother-in-laws to an unplowed driveway and only me in boots. We shoveled our way in and crashed. With not much food in the house, we had to go back out for dinner. A long day in itself.

2) After an enjoyable couple of days with Chicago family, we headed to Midway Airport for our trip to Houston. As we were checking in our bags and the sun was setting that day, dense fog was dropping throughout Chicagoland. After a couple of delays, they finally cancelled ours and about 100 more flights going out that night. I was able to secure another flight for us but not till the next afternoon. We had trouble contacting our relatives to come and get us so we called a local hotel and spent the night there.

3) So, here we sit now, again at Midway. We had to leave the hotel at noon and our flight is not until close to 5PM. Not my idea of a place to spend time this holiday.

Hopefully my next post will be about our time in Houston. Hopefully.....

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