Friday, August 31, 2007

And now for something completely different....

I did finally get a blog posted on the house (see next blog) but here is the reason we have been so busy: our oldest bird has flown the coop.
We packed and hauled him off to college on Thursday. He had a little of the startled deer look when we left. The adjustment from a town of 300 to a campus of 10,000 will be quite the adjustment. I am confident he will do well and make many friends. His roommate was elusive that day but we had met him prior to then so they know they will get along. He has not called home yet; hope that is a good sign. We do miss him around here though. I will send his contact information along to family in a seperate email.

We moving along again...sort of

Sorry I have not blogged in a while, lots going on around here (see other blog).
We were back in action again for a short period of time but as you can see the back is not quite finished. The reason: they ran out of siding. It will be shipped here next week. Also, the back door is in but the wrong door was sent. At least the building supply store admitted they made a mistake and ordered the wrong door. The door should have been all clear without the grid on it. They will be sending someone out from the door company to either remove the grid or replace the door. It was just one more frustration in getting the doors in. We do like the door though and all the light it brings into the hallway. The final (front) door will be shipped also next week so maybe we will have all operational doors again. I can only dream....

Friday, August 17, 2007

We have come to a standstill...

What can be done on the exterior without the last two doors is done. The guys will be working on another job for the next couple of days while we wait. The last report is that the doors will be here "by the end of the month". Overall, I am very please with how it looks. Both of the larger sides are completely done so we have a good idea of the final concept. The roofers have been contacted that we are ready for them and hopefully they will show up soon since the new siding is making the roof look really bad!! So, let me know what you think. I will probably not post again until they start working again.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

North side near completion

This is how the north side is looking after two days progress. The last window is still not in but it is here and should be installed tomorrow. They should be able to finish the north side after that. The front and back are still uncompleted due to missing doors. Plus all the interior trim had yet to be finished. So, even though it looks like we are close, there is still a lot to be done. I have not had much time to put into the staining yet either. One of these weekends I will dedicate to just getting that started. Keep watching, I'll keep you posted...

Monday, August 13, 2007

First door in

The first door went in today. We still do not have any of the other doors here but they wanted to start working on the siding on this side so they had to put the door in. It is hard to see in this picture but the door is dark green. It does have a half round window in it but the frame is currently painted green so you cannot tell. Even close up it is hard to see. I will probably paint the frame around the window white so it will pop out more. The door still has some trim finishing to do but at least we get the idea of how it will look. Nice to see some siding on this side of the house also. I'll keep you posted.....

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Continuing with the siding

Just a couple of pictures to keep you updated on the progress. They finished the front peak early Friday morning and moved on to start the upper back. They will have to wait on the lower part until the door arrives. Not much else to say except how much we are tired of living in a construction zone every day. Someone once asked us if we were going to stay while this was going on and our first thought was "Why not, it won't be that bad". How wrong we were! Not that we would want to shell out an extra expense to live somewhere else but it sure would be nice to be able to keep the house clean and have a yard we can enjoy. I keep tellling myself, someday it will be done and I will get the house/yard clean again. Maybe not this summer but someday.
I'll keep you posted.....

Thursday, August 9, 2007

More Pictures...

This is a few days worth of progress in the pictures. They will be finishing up the attic peak this morning and hopefully moving on to the only door we have, the basement. As you can see in the first picture, the south side of the house is completely done, but the north side still looks like this: If they work on the basement door, it will be the first progress on this side is quite a while. The lone window is still waiting to be replaced and getting that in will really help move things along. We are still playing the waiting game on the rest of the doors, the front steps and that window. Kind of frustating but what can you do. I will keep you posted....

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Out of Town

Sorry, been out of town for a couple of days. I will post pictures soon!

Friday, August 3, 2007

An idea of how it will look

The south side of the house is completely done, even the soffit is up. Gives us a good idea of how it will look. I still like the color, Tom and Ben think it is a little bright. The one thing bad thing currently happening is that our land line is out of commission. Course we did not realize it until 6 PM Friday night, a little late for any repair. The construction guys had to fuss with the box to get the siding up and we think something got messed up then. So, for my family, if you need to get in touch with us, please either email or call our cell phones. I will not post either here; hope you have them if you need them. Have a good weekend, more next week.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Starting with the siding

Since we are still in a waiting pattern for the doors and the last window, the guys were able to start putting on some siding after finishing the front porch. I am loving the color, it will look very different that what we had. The yellow looks a little brighter in this picture than it really is; probably just the reflection of the sun. As you can see, the outside corners will be white like the window trim; that should break up the solid color a little. Hopefully, more will go on tomorrow or maybe the doors will arrive?? (wishful thinking!!) Stay tuned....